2021 Summer Newsletter
Move & Save
No Payments for 90 Days1% Cash Back up to $500*

Refinance Auto Loans from another Credit Union or Bank or purchase a New Vehicle! *Must qualify for the loan. Some restrictions may apply. Interest will accrue for the 90 days. Only new loans to the credit union apply.
Christmas in July
Diaper & Wipes Drive
1. Buy Diapers & Wipes
2. Drop Off Diapers & Wipes at Cove Federal Credit Union
3. Fight Addiction in NKY by Helping Moms
Your donation will support Northern Kentucky moms who are actively participating inSt. Elizabeth's Baby Steps Program. This program provides education and support to women with Opiate Use Disorder. For more information on the Baby Steps program call 859-301-2501 or email Kayla.Meister@stelizabeth.com.

Hello, I am Jennifer Jensen,
Cove Federal Credit Union’s exclusive, certified Trinity Debt Counselor.
Have you or someone you know been struggling with debt, recently declined for a loan, or looking for financial educational resources?
For Cove members, Trinity has educational resources and a Debt Management Program which works with credit card debt and other unsecured loans.
If you would like more information about Trinity resources or the Debt Management program, please reach out to me today!
Jennifer Jensen
Trinity Debt Management
1-800-758-3844 ext 3027
Fax 513-766-2070(Attn: Jennifer)